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Expanding Educational Programs:

Your donation will enable us to expand our educational programs, providing more adults with access to quality literacy instruction and English language learning.


Supporting Dedicated Tutors:

Our committed volunteers are the backbone of our organization. With your support, we can offer them ongoing training and resources, ensuring they can deliver effective and empowering instruction to our learners.


Enhancing Technology Resources:

In today's digital age, access to technology is essential for learning and growth. Your contribution will help us upgrade and maintain our technology resources, enabling learners to develop critical digital literacy skills.


Engaging the Community:

Literacy Volunteers of Berkshire County actively collaborates with other local organizations to create a network of support. Your support will facilitate community engagement initiatives, raising awareness about literacy and garnering broader support.


Transforming Lives:

Your donation has the power to transform lives. When individuals gain literacy skills, they become more confident, independent, and better equipped to secure stable employment, improving their overall quality of life.

By contributing to Literacy Volunteers of Berkshire County, you join a community of individuals who share the belief that literacy is the foundation for growth and progress. Your support will directly impact the lives of adults striving to overcome illiteracy, ensuring a brighter future for our entire community.

With your help, we can continue to create lasting positive changes in the lives of individuals and families throughout Berkshire County.

Contributions by mail:
Literacy Volunteers of Berkshire County
1 Wendell Ave., Pittsfield, MA 01201

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n بالإضافة إلى المنح التأسيسية والشركات والتبرعات الخاصة ، تلقى  LVBC دعمًا من The Berkshire Athenaeum الذي قدم لنا منذ عام 1980 مساحة لمكاتبنا الإدارية ومكتبة المعلمين ، كما نتلقى دعمًا من محو الأمية متطوعو ماساتشوستس ، وهي منظمة على مستوى الولاية تمولها وزارة التربية والتعليم.

At Literacy Volunteers of Berkshire County, we firmly believe that literacy is the cornerstone of a thriving and inclusive society. Unfortunately, limited English proficiency continues to be a significant barrier for many individuals including our New Americans, hindering their opportunities for personal and professional growth. Our organization is committed to empowering adults through literacy education, ensuring they can unlock their full potential and actively participate in the community.

The impact of illiteracy goes beyond the individual; it affects families, the local economy, and the overall social fabric of our community. Your support plays a vital role in our ability to address this critical issue effectively.

Here are some ways your contribution to Literacy Volunteers of Berkshire County can make a tangible difference:

طرق العطاء

بيركشاير أثينيوم
الطابق الرئيسي
شارع واحد ويندل
بيتسفيلد ، ماساتشوستس 01201
الإثنين - الخميس 9 صباحًا حتى 3 مساءً 
أو عن طريق التعيين
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